《漢語世界》是一份英文雙月刊雜志,她通過鮮活有趣的故事、資訊為日益增長的漢語學習者和所有對中國感興趣的人提供語言、文化信息,令讀者在輕松閱讀中收獲樂趣與靈感。 雜志內容涉及人物、時事、歷史、民俗、文化碰撞等方方面面,還與讀者分享在中國的學習和生活經驗、人情世故和逸聞趣事。在我們的旅游板塊中可以讀到“中國城市2日游”、“個人探險”等精彩文章;我們的商務板塊令“老外”輕松獲得在中國工作所需的各類實用的信息;而文化板塊、封面故事則從多角度、多側面展示傳統文化和現代中國的發展趨勢。 每篇專題文章后面都有附有趣味實用的中文單詞、短語,供讀者學習。每期有專門開設的語言專題,與讀者分享漢語掌故、交際技巧和文化碰撞的趣聞。這些常設欄目將古老和現代的中國文化巧妙融合起來,通過一篇篇妙趣橫生的文章展現給漢語學習者。雜志的設計融合了傳統中國元素和現代國際化理念,每一頁都像一件藝術品,令人賞心悅目。 2008年《漢語世界》獲中國出版集團公司重大出版成就項目獎;2010年獲得中國版協“2009年度輸出版優秀圖書獎”;2011年其“文化檔案”欄目獲得第四屆中國出版集團出版獎優秀編輯獎和優秀欄目獎;2011-2013年,雜志內容更是多次被《中國日報》《華爾街日報》《衛報》等知名媒體轉載,海外知名度日增。 《漢語世界》有一個國際化的團隊,大家的語言文化背景各不相同,但相同的熱忱、激情,和對中國語言文化的細膩感受都閃現在每一期雜志的字里行間。通過雜志網站,我們還開設了每日博客、上傳關于漢語和中國文化的音頻、視頻,為讀者提供更多、更豐富的資訊。www.theworldofchinese.com 歡迎關注新浪微博@漢語世界雜志社。 《漢語世界》的讀者是一個巨大的寶庫,他們來自世界各地,但都對中國熱情高漲、充滿渴求。無論是留學生、職場新秀,還是經驗豐富的管理人員,無不渴望了解中華文化、商務資訊、人情世故和語言生活。 國內發行渠道覆蓋:大使館和領事館,相關政府部門,商會,酒店和公寓,機場和航空公司,留學生管理辦公室,國際學校,漢語培訓中心,國際醫療服務,連鎖店,餐館和咖啡館,外文書店,文化協會,等等。海外發行渠道覆蓋:全世界數百所孔子學院,大學中文部,中文學校,等等。
The World of Chinese is a bi-monthly English magazine dedicated to Chinese language and culture. Our mission is to share stories that entertain, inform and connect the growing number of Chinese learners and people interested in China. Our content focuses on people, contemporary trends, history, customs, language learning and more. We share personal experiences, human interest and the lighter quirkier side of all things Chinese. Our cover stories focus interviews and in-depth report on China’s latest events and trends, striving to provide a comprehensive cultural background for language learners. Our travel features include visual stories as well as personal adventures from the distant mountain villages to the bustling cities. We publish original translations of some of the most brilliant contemporary Chinese writers for the world to enjoy. We also express environmental concerns in our green column, offer art, humor, food recipes and more. To facilitate language learning is always one of our biggest goals. Therefore, our feature articles are accompanied by fun and useful vocabulary section while language features provide handy speaking tips based on real-life cross-cultural scenarios. Regular columns present the old and modern with a fun twist and interactive, practical content for Chinese learners. The aesthetic of the magazine strives for a balance between modern design and traditional Chinese elements, creating unique illustrations and page layouts worth pasting on your wall.We also run daily blogs on current events, travel guides, street smarts, comics, language pieces and etc. on our website: www.theworldofchinese.com.